
  • Last seen a couple of hours ago
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Social Setting:
Better in small groups 
Professional life
College grad 
Sense of humor:
Friendly, Clever / Quick witted, Dry / Sarcastic 
Kinky Interests:
Disposable Diapers, Baby Bottles, Wetting, Changing Others, Spanking, BDSM 
In my own words:

A friend of mine is here, so I joined...

I am Dominant, but don’t like to be called Master, Sir, or Dom. I am a protector. I enjoy the subtlety of influencing and guiding others along with wordplay. Generally, I am considered a parental authority figure who desires to bring out the best in others and help them grow with a combination of nurturing and discipline.

I appreciate anonymity. I chose “The Ghost” moniker as a symbol of confidentiality and the tormented feeling I have from my interests. I realize not having a face picture may appear suspicious. Bluntly, I’m not willing to risk other areas of my life on the internet. Rest assured; I will reveal if it feels right. I have nothing nefarious to hide.

I have a fulfilling personal life and an established professional career. I’m at the point where I can set aside additional time to do things I choose in the future. I enjoy traveling and have been to many locations around the globe. I enjoy hiking, exploring, being outside, museums, and architecture/design. Those experiences, and my professional background, tend to make me balanced and a good listener. Communication is important to me.

Ideally, I seek to meet someone with a shared outlook and interests whom I can spend an increasing amount of time with into the future. Distance or “on-line” is not an issue near term; however, longer term I do seek to be in the same geography. I want to be able to get coffee together on Saturday morning… A holistic personality, and positive disposition is critical, not just kink.

I have known about my kink side for a long time and kept it buried much of my life for many reasons. Today I’m better at accepting it, expressing it, and craving to share it with another person. My kink doesn’t define me, it’s just part of who I am.

I value genuine conversations and deep relationships. I am all about people who will stand with you at the top of the hill celebrating your achievements and aid you during the darkest moments in the valley. I am a planner, detailed orientated, very self-aware, and authentic. None of that means I lack spontaneity! However, above all, I don’t do drama. I get we all have issues and problems that occur in life, it’s how we approach them that matters.

If you decided to read all the above... drop me a line and we will see where it goes.

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