- Feb 18, 2025
Hey, Thanks for posting. I love wearing plastic pants. Sticks
Where did you find those white nursery print plastic pants?
Late follow-up: So it looks like baby-pants also went out of business (as far as I can see). I'm believing that trying to get plastic pants is getting harder AND more expensive. I'm starting to stock up when I find them. Never want to run out!
Thanks for the information about the white nursey print plastic pants. I buy all my plastic pants from baby-pants but don't remember seeing the white ones. I have bought the plain white, plain blue, and plain yellow, along with yellow nursery print and blue nursery print ones. I will look again. Thanks for your comments about my videos. Glad you like them.
Hi! Got these from baby-pants.com My fav source was Fetware.com, but he recently went out of business. All his plastic pants had 1" elastics which are more comfy than the 3/4" everyone seems to have. BTW love, love your vids! Do more!
Welcome to Diapermates and welcome to the over 60 club for cloth wearers. The white nursery print plastic pants seems like the hardest to find.
so, where have you found the white nursery print ones? I have only found them at a site called MY INNER BABY, but they were the smaller sizes with the biggest being large.
yea, I've seen them for sale. I have the blue and pink ones. (love the pink ones)