I guess all people wanna do is talk and nothing more this site is useless
- Feb 19, 2025
Looking to be a couple in diapers or have a daddy wanna be a baby girl or just someone to talk about diapers and wearing diapers
I guess all people wanna do is talk and nothing more this site is useless
Can’t answer till tomorrow because my 10
Messages are up for today's allotment.
Username please
Okay what is your username?
I have fetlife
Saw that you commented on my wall but not seeing it anywhere.
I started wearing because I found being in diapers is what I enjoy and no one knows it’s my thing
I like wearing diapers cause they are comfortable and I sleep really good in diapers and very comforting
I’m not seeing a pm I’m out of messages I also have fetlife account
when the site is mostly men it doesnt exactly help....depending on who you ask