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Looking little that wants 24/7 girlfriend is a little/caregiver we are in polyamory relationship she & needs little sister & a preferred lesbian or bisexual sexual partner I am in the table but I do it for her not me. The lesbian is for not just her to help her child who is closeted I have plans to help but can't force it but I want to make it apparent my status his moms status & the like the other stuff is because I prefer to really baby my littles. So do be prepared while I don't spank ever because it's abuse and almost all little are abused in one way or another. What I offer bedroting diapers & diaper changes pacifiers my own vision of a crib trust me it's better, cuddles toys,rewards the best environment for a little and healthy relationship practices. And rules for littles 1.always use your diapee at home.2 Pull ups in public you don't have to use if you don't want to in public I just want you in some form of padded proaction. 3. No hitting me or anyone. 4. Use your words 5. always eat something at meal time it can be anything 6. Food will be readily available so snacks are available readily so ask if hungry or grab something 7. No sweets without premission ever 8. Always tell when you need me to or someone to stop. I do ask if you do have (d.i.d) to make it know because your alter little can't be active 24/7 & I will adjust to help with touching yourself in your princess area ask for sex when big sex when in headspace or with a little in headspace Rewards and punishment's 1. My secret auto wetting & messing cream2. Cuddles toys4. New video games for big and little stuffies little stuffs6.more screen time 7.more video games 8.big items 9.childrens make up10.big girl stuff 11.cummies when big12.kink activities 13.bondage equipment furniture 16. Buying a moterbunny pacifier18.kink gags19.little furniture Punishment for little you, Corner time sitting or standing which is how bad you are.Writing lines.Cold bath it's more for masterbation for big you because sexual littles get ice cubes added to bath's if Hope I never need to use this one but I'll be doing along side you because I failed to kneeling on rice though it's 15 minutes for you, and 1 to 2 hours for me followed by cold bath or shower me. Grippy socks vacation you can choose to do it & if they say you leave you leave or home stay grippy socks vacation it means warm pink straightjacket exposed diapers and pacifier gags & my special auto wetting & messing cream & liquid bottle fed diet more a funishement then punishment. Diaper training chart with rewards theirs two chart's markers one for big & little you Allows for specified rewards & ones you could want That a little could want like a bath in spaghetti & meatballs or sometime fun a little or big can come up with Things allow to handle anger got to goodwill & buy stuff to break plates Couples & group therapy Hair die or British prank poop flavored tea Handicapped air soft its where you decide what gun you use & what they use it can be affective if use right to get a point across you can make them feel helpless and discuss it or make yourself helpless on purpose to show how you feel on the daily following you and the one talking it out therapeutically Group last chance punishment it's a handicapped paintball tournament it means you have pissed off everyone & every method hasn't worked it a venting wake up call change or leave we tried you failed Ok goals my goal is to create a bdsm/abdl/LGBTQ town gated community for everyone in category of the three regardless of sexual orientation you can be straight & be get access. My goal is basically to make it exclusive our own place & safe a place for littles to heal and kinky people to do that safely. I also plan to offer places of business for abdl, bdsm & normal stores. Also a littles adoption for a little that has a brake up but doesn't want to leave & wants another caregiver. Obviously I plan a normal school from regular parents and a daycare & school for littles. My ideas is based on the comic little valley but I want to include more then shown but that's my goal because I have a little that has a similar goal & I want to make it bigger & better because people especially littles need to heal & be safe, not be outed so I'm gonna offer that or anyone who wants that. I when not if I succeed I will make it happen of course the bdsm part of town is going to be well hidden and not in view so littles children & just people who aren't kinky don't feel uncomfortable. Plus we don't need littles & children asking about things that they shouldn't. As for abs & dl a different school & daycare part of town naughty stuff stays away from both headspace & actual children.
I know I'm asking a lot but for something like this I can't help but want something like this. But it's important for a healthy relationship.I ask for this because I want all to feel safe and because I don't want anyone to see abuse. those rules apply to every little myself included when & if I slip they will be followed as long as it can't cause physical harm or a hard limit I believe in consent over the alternative so always remember you traffic light color safewords